Second Week of October

Timely flies. 
It's been more than a month.

I can't help but regret for not posting more. 
I was either too busy to remember or just too lazy to post.

So many things happened but as usual, I won't be covering them all.

Nowadays, I felt too busy and too preoccupied. 
Work just got too demanding for me. 

Watching Asian dramas, especially the Korean ones, are my breath of fresh air from the polluted and suffocating air at work. People at work just tend to ask too much of what I could offer. 

Hence, pushing me off to my limits, which I think is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Part of me is happy and another one feels the opposite. 

Last week, I felt sad to realize that one of my friend here had suicidal thoughts, to the point that she actually made a move of ending her life in her younger years. To comfort her, I suggested to watch a movie together, even though I didn't have much, I still watched it with her. I want her to get better and see the beauty of being alive. I hope I could be of help to her. We are currently planning on opening a business with her in our homeland. I want her to feel important and loved, which I think is what is lacking in her life. Work has been too harsh on her. I hope the people around her every day could make her feel more at ease and happy at the same time.

Depression is no joke. We should always be kind to people. 
We don't know what they are currently going through.

Sometimes, I feel down.
So down that, I want to go home.
I look forward to see my homeland again in the near future.
I hope when I go home, I could satisfy my thirst for travelling.

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