An introvert from an Introverts Mind

I considered myself an introvert long before I knew that there was a word to describe such things that I do. 

Introverts are often labeled as "Loners" or "Timid". It's not that we disliked being with someone else, it's just that sometimes we like to being alone and be by ourselves or just be invisible. 

Why don't we talk much? Maybe it could be that its hard for us to verbally express what we feel, still processing our thoughts or that there is nothing for us to actually talk about. As an introvert, I feel a bit burned whenever someone would try to force me in someway to talk about something, especially with a topic that I'm not really interested about. Small talk doesn't work for me either, I feel like its just a waste of time. Though, there are times were I really wanted to talk but there isn't a single word coming out of my mouth. Weird. I know.

We overthink a lot, or is it just me? I haven't really had a discussion with a fellow introvert so I wouldn't really know. It is just my assumption since I am an introvert myself. I tend to play all the possible scenarios in my head and try to make a solution out of it. This often happens to me during night time. That's why I suffer from insomnia most of the time.

An introvert energizes being alone. By alone, means doing what we love happily by ourselves and not sulking in the corner. Like reading a good book, watching a movie or just listening plainly to some cool music. It's different and varies upon a persons interest.

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