March Progress

March 18, 2017
I can't remember when I stopped writing about my life. Though I am well aware that this isn't entertaining or something that people would look forward for and that you would rather read about my nonsense "review" or "thoughts" about a certain film or drama. I'm writing this as my digital diary to document things in my life as of this moment so please bear with me. 

Finally after months of searching for work someone finally hired me! Well I was recommended by a co-worker of my landlady to his friend who happens to have a business. So I started on March 12 at 5pm, our business hour starts at 9am-1pm and then we resume at 4:30pm-9pm. My boss told me to observe and think if I really wanted the job. He told me that if I wanted the job I should give him the copy of my passport and visa, so I did after three days. They teach me how to use one of their system, I wasn't satisfied with the teaching so I searched for some tutorials in the internet. I continued doing so after Saturday, March 18 in the morning when my boss got a call from the labor. They weren't still able to process my labor card, so I shouldn't have start working or else we will be fined. My boss decided to let my stay at home and come back after the labor card is already present. I was kinda happy since I was really itching on watching some new released episode of the drama that I've been watching for awhile.

I don't really like writing everyday since nothing good or interesting is happening to me everyday. I wish my life was but it isn't. I really envy when people got to do the things they like without any problem about money or time. It's just so unfair, but there is nothing I could do about it. But just look at the positive side of the life that I'm living.

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