Movie: Somewhere Only We Know

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It's a Chinese movie and you already probably know why I chose to watch this. Well for the sake of those who don't, It's because of Kris Wu, this is his first movie. If you want to know about him.. you can search in google and be amaze! So without further ado, I'll start what my thoughts and insights are about this movie.. 

So for starters this movie has a story within the story itself. Get it? If you don't well shall we move along with the story. A girl grieving after losing her only family, her grandmother and being left behind by her boyfriend who backed out on their marriage, moved to Prague as an exchange student. It was also where her grandmother used to live when the war broke. The actress from the movie was really into her role, she portrayed it really good! I could feel the emotions she was trying to convey. 

I really loved that there were two love stories that unfolded in this movie. After discovering a letter sent by the man her grandmother loved back in Prague, we could see how things were back then. When technology wasn't like ours today, I realized that people were more romantic back then. Maybe because they spend most of the time together without anyone or anything to distract them.  

Back in the story, while she was staying in Prague, she met this man (Kris) from her common friend. And that's how everything got really interesting. So this guy had a child at a very young age and took care of her on his own since the child's mother was also an exchange student and went home to its own country. This part of the story was really awful in my point of view. Why? because the mother didn't even want to take care or even see her daughter. She may think of her as a mistake but I think that every baby is a blessing. This scene was really relatable in our generation and you'd be lying if you say you haven't heard of this kind of story in your neighborhood.

Her grandmother kept a sketchbook and had views of what Prague used to look like back in the day. She visited those places with Kris. However some conflict began when his mother asked him about his plans for future, whether or not he can support his girlfriend and his daughter. And that his girlfriend needed to go back to its own country since the program is already ending.

Long story short, he thought that it would be better for her to go back to her own country and end things between them. A week before her departure, she visited the site where her grandmother and her lover promised to meet if ever another war broke and all communications is down. So while visiting, she encountered the man her grandmother loved. The man somewhat recognized her since she was wearing the scarf of her grandmother that was given by the man. Well that was such a coincidence, right?! After a week the man died. She kept texting Kris about what's happening which made him realized about them. He searched for her and they made up.

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