​ Life: First Love

Just as when I wasn't thinking about him, he would just whoosh his way in again.
That's how my first love is. Forever surprising me with all his speeches.

Who would have thought that a guy like him would fall in love with someone ordinary?
Smart , good looking, smile that could just make you in awe.. 
(some of his traits that made me fall for him) I mean who would easily forget about him.
But how could he not forget about me?

Its been 4 years more or less since we broke up.
I'm just an ordinary person who gets fat in eating too much sweets.
I cant barely see what he sees in me.

His words, I can feel his sincerity. I never thought I can have this kind of effect him in him but I did.
 Im happy that he is happy for me and that he wont be waiting for me anymore 
(which he said more than once). Part of me is sad but i know i shouldn't be.

I feel like cheating on my boyfriend on what I'm doing but i shouldn't be sorry for being real. 
He thinks I wanted him to be the perfect guy but I didn't want him to be perfect or anything, 
i just want him to be himself. I like how he is, he is perfect just the way he is. 
I know someday someone will appreciate him that way I did.

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