The First Entry

October 17, 2016
Hello Monday! 

This isn't my first blog. I had a few inactive ones since I had no to little time for it. Why? Well it is for some reason a subject matter that it is entitled for something special. This Blog will be containing random posts about how my day went and so on and so forth. It will be none sense in short.

It had been one of plans to make a blog but just got lazy and had been busy on some other things. But now since I think I'm not lazy today, I might just make to this blog instead.

For my first entry, I'll be ranting about some useless stuff that you wouldn't be interested in reading about but if you still want to read it because you got nothing else to do, then feel free.

8:58 AM, My time in for work today. It started off as a lazy morning since I only worked on the task that my manager gave me. But after lunch, I was bombed with lots of work. Good thing I finished almost everything before my check out time.

Saddened by my boyfriends news. I know we can make it through. We already did before. Long distance is nothing between us. I believe in our relationship that we can make it through anything. As long as we have communication, trust and everything that goes with it. This ends my first entry in my blog. Thank you for your gracious time.
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